Professional Development Opportunities
Below you can find links with information pertaining to some of the most popular Summer School offerings, preeminent academic associations, and Fulbright opportunities. Our current and previous graduate students have all taken advantage of the schools and associations listed below. Emory graduate student testimonies for each school and association are forthcoming.
The James Joyce Summer School hosted by University College Dublin
The Samuel Beckett Summer School hosted by Trinity College Dublin
The Irish Seminar hosted by The University of Notre Dame
The W.B. Yeats Summer School hosted by The Yeats Society
The International Summer School in Irish Studies hosted by Queens University Belfast
American Conference for Irish Studies (ACIS)
International Association for the Study of Irish Literature (IASIL)
The Summer Gaeltacht Awards are grants to U.S citizens who are Irish Language learners or teachers in the U.S to spend 2-6 weeks studying the Irish language in the Gaeltacht regions of Ireland.